Payment Gateway

- Method: post
- Amount: The amount of money to be paid (in GBP)
- Payto: The account number or identifier of the recipient
- Paytoname: The name of the recipient
- Itemname: The name of the item being purchased or reason for payment
- Responseurl: The URL of the page where the payment response will be sent
- Successurl: The URL of the page to redirect the user to after a successful payment
- Cancelurl: The URL of the page to redirect the user to if they cancel the payment
- Custom: Any additional custom data that needs to be sent with the payment request.



API Method: post

  • NameValue
    amountAmount in numeric
    paytoYour LuckyChips. Your easy Secure online digital paymeny Gateway api json email address -
    paytonameName of your website or Store
    itemnameName of Item or Why the user paying for
    responseurlURL , Where the payment information should send so you can check them
    successurlURL , Where The user redirected When payment is completed
    cancelurlURL , Where The user redirected When payment is Canceled
    customCustom Data By you. NO SPACE OR SPECIAL CHAR

Response Method: get

- Name: Refers to the name of the person or entity making the payment.
- Amount: Refers to the total amount being paid.
- Paidby: Refers to the user paying for the transaction
- Payto: Refers to the person or entity receiving the payment.
- Custom: Refers to any additional information or details related to the payment.
- Trx: Refers to the transaction ID or number associated with the payment.
- Secret: Refers to a secure code or password used to authenticate the transaction.

LuckyChips. Your easy Secure online digital paymeny Gateway api json will Send you the information to the "responseurl" Posted by you

Response Method: get

amountAmount Paid
paidbyEmail Of The user paid
paytoEmail Of The Merchant (Your Email)
customYour Posted "custom" Data
trxTransaction ID
secretYour API KEY - For verification at your end

Request Method: get

DATA BY Transaction ID

Request Method: get


Response : json

amountAmount Paid
chargeTransaction Charge
paidbyEmail Of The user paid
paytoEmail Of The Merchant (Your Email)
timeTime of payment Made
errorValue = 1 , When Information Having Error
messaseWhen Information Having Error, message will contain the error message

The request method is a GET request, which is a type of HTTP request method used to retrieve information from a server. In this case, the request is being sent to the URL "" with two parameters:

1. "api" - this parameter should be replaced with your own API key. 2. "trx" - this parameter should be replaced with the transaction ID you want to verify.

For example, if your API key is "12345" and the transaction ID you want to verify is "67890", the complete URL would be:

When you send this GET request to the server, it will respond with information about the specified transaction, assuming the API key is valid and the transaction ID exists.